How to torrent without ISP knowing – Easy Steps to Follow

Last Updated on September 29, 2023 by Jhonni Jets

How to torrent without ISP knowing

How to torrent without ISP knowing – Easy Steps to Follow

Bit Torrent is a file-sharing or file-downloading protocol that can be used for many things. Talking about files on bit Torrent, some of them are entirely legal and the rest of them have copyright issues on them. This means that they are not safe to download.

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The common link that comes to mind when thinking of bit torrent piracy. This is why Internet Service provides tracks of your activity on the internet and a bit of torrent traffic. This tutorial will walk you through how to download torrents without revealing your identity to the Internet service provider.

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ISPs aren’t the only ones to keep an eye on bit torrents. Other organizations like MPAA, RIAA, and other companies also watch bit torrents to track and prosecute downloaders. These entities operate with automated systems to track the IP address and track your activity on the internet which is not reliable. This doesn’t stop them from trying to extort money from you even if you have never downloaded a single illegal file in your life.

Many people have reported getting notices from their internet service providers after downloading the files using Torrent. That’s how Bit Torrent works. It is a bit a lot less anonymous than it might seem at a glance.

How does Torrent work?

A download from the internet involves receiving data from a remote server. Aside from the initial request you sent the file, most of the downloads are only a one-way street. You receive the data from a central server, and in exchange for that, you don’t need to send out something from your server. Example of this way of working is Loading up web pages, watching videos online, and downloading games on Stream.

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If too many IP addresses download from the server at the same time, there are chances for it to get clogged and cause a dip at low speed.

Torrents are different from typical internet downloads because they follow a different peer-to-peer protocol.  A torrent “Swarm” is a group of IP addresses simultaneously downloading and uploading a file.

So when you download a file from any server somewhere, you also upload some parts of it to other people. Because of this constant process of exchange, a file is associated with a torrent download comparatively faster than other standard downloads.

BitTorrent is a commonly used site for piracy. However, there are many legitimate users for torrenting. Because they can be paused, resumed, and split up into smaller parts. So BitTorrent is an ideal source for downloading large files such as games, software, plugin packs, and updates. They are also considered a standard distribution method for free music and videos.

All are excellent reasons to stop anyone from knowing what you are streaming or downloading. Even if you are downloading completely legal files, getting mistakenly caught up in these unreliable IP harvesting systems can become a real headache.

Download anything without your ISP knowing

Everyone needs privacy, and privacy on the internet matters a lot. Nowadays, we get to see a lot of social media cases due to privacy problems. Your primary defense is to prevent ISPs and other governmental organizations from knowing that what you are downloading and when.

So the best option you have to stop your ISP from tracking your activities is to use a VPN. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, it is a service you buy from a reliable VPN provider. You can install a VPN client on your device and use it accordingly. It will connect to your network and ensure the security of your surfing on the internet. This creates a secret VPN tunnel that hides all the traffic from anyone trying to see what you are doing on the internet.

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How does it work?

Traffic between your device and the VPN server is encrypted, so it is safe from the eyes that are trying to put prying eyes into your data. Your internet service provider will see that you are connected to the network but won’t be able to see precisely what you are doing. Most of the VPN providers use strong encryption which is beyond the capability of ISP or non-state entity to crack.

It is mandatory to acknowledge that traffic from a VPN server out of the internet is not encrypted. As long as you use a “no log” VPN provider, nobody will be able to link your connection with any activity on the internet, including downloading a bit torrent.

Using a VPN to download torrents without your ISP knowing

You can install a VPN client on almost any device. You can use it on your phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS and Android. Much depends on what apps the VPN provider has. I suggest always using a VPN as you are still being looked at online.

Askthepcguide is a pro when it comes to information on VPNs as we know privacy is something that you should care about. Here is how to put everything together.

  • Sign up for a VPN service and download the VPN client for every decision you make.
  • Download a bit torrent client if you haven’t already.
  • Enable the VPN services and make sure it uses the closest server to your location or the fastest VPN server.
  • Enable the VPN Kill Switch feature on the VPN client if it has one.
  • Now, find your torrent and download it secretly. No one will be able to track you down.
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See, it is this simple.

Once you have a reliable, no-log VPN service, I recommend it to use it for everything you are doing online. The only exception you are going to face would be online gaming, mostly if you play Twitch games or First-person shooting. VPNs introduce a small amount of latency which under normal circumstances is not a problem, but when it comes to games a mini second can make a difference.

What about Speed?

When you use a VPN, your web traffic is usually traveling through more fabric and more high-speed machines. The upshot is that your connection speeds get affected by all the extra distances. For large torrent files, this can mean a longer wait before you get the complete file.

Quick note for VPN testing

Networks are finicky things, and we don’t claim this to be the be-all around and end-all VPN speed testing. For your idea, here is a snapshot of how a particular service is performed on a specific day. We also don’t think that is the only metric used to evaluate a VPN, but it’s clearly of concern to Bit torrent Users.

Best VPN

 Here are some of the best VPNs:

  • Nord VPN.
  • Private Internet Access VPN.
  • TunnelBear VPN.
  • CyberGhost VPN.
  • IPVanish VPN.
  • TorGuard VPN.
  • Express VPN.
  • Hide VPN.
  • Proton VPN.
  • VPN.

Wrapping up

While your ISP can’t outright see the BitTorrent traffic, but they still track down all your online activities if they want to. And if they find you downloading even a legal file, they can charge you with illegal charges because of piracy issues. And that’s where you got into trouble.

That’s why it is important to use a VPN if you are not only torrenting, but VPN is also an essential tool while doing all other internet activities. Hence, the solution is simply to use a VPN. The Service will encrypt your internet traffic data and your ISP and government will have no idea what you are downloading or browsing.

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