How to Transport a 75 Inch TV in a Truck – Easy Guide

Last Updated on November 1, 2023 by Jhonni Jets

Purchasing a new 75 inch TV is thrilling, but transporting a screen that large requires careful planning and preparation. With smart packing techniques and safety precautions, you can securely move your big-screen TV in a truck without damage.

In this guide, we’ll explore step-by-step recommendations for safely transporting a 75 inch television in a pickup truck or SUV. You’ll learn tips for choosing a vehicle, prepping the TV for transport, loading and securing the TV, driving cautiously and unloading at your destination.

Follow these best practices to deliver your fragile, bulky new television in one piece.

Choosing a Suitable Vehicle

The first step is selecting an appropriate truck or SUV for moving a giant 75 inch screen. Consider these factors:

  • Truck bed size – Measure your truck’s bed length to ensure your TV box will fit. 75 inch TV boxes are typically 65-70 inches long.
  • Rear opening clearance – Ensure you have plenty of height clearance to load the TV through the rear tailgate or liftgate without hitting the top.
  • Padding and protection – Use furniture pads, blankets, foam or other padding to protect the truck bed. Prevent jostling and cushion impacts.
  • Tie-down points – Look for built-in tie-down hooks you can leverage to securely strap down the TV during transport.
  • Suspension system – Trucks with gentle, smooth suspension like air ride systems reduce vibration versus rough, stiff suspensions.

Take measurements and evaluate your truck or SUV’s ability to safely cradle and contain a large 75 inch television before purchase.

Preparing the TV for Transport

Once you have a suitable vehicle, properly pack up the TV at your home to get it ready for safe loading and transportation:

  • Original box – Carefully pack TV back in the original box and packaging it came in for optimal protection.
  • Bubble wrap – Wrap TV in bubble wrap for shock absorption if you lack the original box.
  • Remove stand – Detach TV stand to reduce weight and create a flatter shape for secure positioning.
  • Tape/shrink wrap – Seal box with heavy duty tape or shrink wrap to keep box closed and contained.
  • Fragile labels – Mark box with visible “Fragile – Handle with Care” labels to prevent mishandling.
  • Truck padding – Have furniture pads, movers’ blankets and other soft padding ready to line the truck bed.
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Taking time to thoughtfully pack your TV ensures it stays protected across the entire moving experience.

Loading the Television into the Truck

When ready for moving day, carefully load the prepared 75 inch TV into your truck using safe lifting techniques:

  • Team carry – Recruit at least 2-3 strong helpers to share the load and lift safely. Don’t attempt solo lifting.
  • Proper form – Keep back straight and lift with legs when raising TV. Avoid rounding back and twisting.
  • Communicate – Assign a leader to oversee lifting and unison movements. Communicate clearly.
  • Walk in unison – Take small coordinated steps when carrying to keep the TV level. Watch footing.
  • Secure grip – Carry from designated grip points on the TV box. Support overall weight.
  • Truck pad – Place furniture pads, blankets or a mattress in the truck bed for cushioning.

With a coordinated team lift, you can safely move your extra large TV from your home into the truck for transport without strain or back injuries.

Securing the Television Inside the Truck

To prevent shifting and damage en route, it’s vital to properly secure your 75 inch TV inside the truck bed:

  • Center position – Place the TV box centered side-to-side and against front wall of truck bed.
  • Furniture pads – Pad around the TV box with soft furniture pads or foam for 360 degree cushioning.
  • Stabilize box – Press against all sides of box to stabilize in snug position before tying down.
  • Tie-down straps – Thread strong nylon straps through truck tie-down points located around the box.
  • Tighten straps – Firmly tighten ratchet straps to remove slack and prevent movement. Don’t overtighten.
  • Inspect bindings – Shake box gently to confirm there is no room for shifting or sliding side-to-side.
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Keep your giant TV box securely immobilized for the full drive to prevent damage from bumps, swerving and braking.

Driving Cautiously with the Television

The actual drive home with your new 75 inch TV requires extra care and attentiveness behind the wheel:

  • Speed limit – Never exceed speed limit and reduce speeds further for turns, bumps or inclement weather.
  • Leave distance – Allow significant distance between your vehicle and the car ahead to reduce hard braking.
  • Telegraph maneuvers – Signal early when changing lanes or turning to alert other drivers.
  • Gradual acceleration – Accelerate gently from stops to prevent jostling. Don’t mash the gas pedal.
  • Avoid potholes – Watch the road ahead and steer clear of potholes that could damage the boxed TV when hit.
  • Easy on bumps – Roll over speed bumps and inclines slowly to avoid the TV bouncing.
  • No tailgating – Avoid following other vehicles closely to prevent sudden braking.

Safe driving practices are key to prevent your precious TV cargo from shifting, falling over or sustaining damage. Take it slow and steady.

Unloading the TV at Your Destination

When you reach home base, keep exercising caution when unloading and unpacking the 75 inch television:

  • Park close – Pull truck as close as possible to the door where you’ll bring the TV inside. Minimize carrying distance.
  • Team carry again – Use the same helpers to lift the TV out of the truck and bring inside. Don’t unload alone.
  • Watch your grip – Use the designated grips or hand holds on the box to maintain balance and control.
  • Clear a path – Ensure the entry and set-up location are free of clutter and obstacles.
  • Cut bindings – Have a helper cut the tie-down straps once the TV is fully lifted out of the truck.
  • Inspect thoroughly – Before disposal, inspect box and TV closely for any signs of damage during transport.
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With the TV successfully transported and unloaded, you can excitedly unbox your new big screen TV and enjoy crystal clear 4K entertainment!

Key Takeaways for Transporting a 75 Inch TV

Transporting supersized televisions requires planning and care. Here are some key tips to safely moving a 75 inch TV in a truck:

  • Select a truck with adequate bed size, padding and tie-downs
  • Fully pack TV in original box and protective materials
  • Recruit helpers for team lifting and coordinated movements
  • Pad truck bed and center/stabilize TV box for minimal shift
  • Securely tie-down box with ratchet straps through truck hooks
  • Drive safely and defensively to avoid sudden jolts or bumps
  • Unload cautiously using the same lifting team and process

Follow these best practices for protecting your precious, bulky new TV and enjoying years of stellar 4K viewing.


Transporting a giant 75 inch television in a truck takes forethought and precautions to avoid cracked screens or costly damage. With smart vehicle selection, team lifting/carrying, truck padding and tie-downs, cautious driving, and safe unloading, you can successfully get your TV home intact.

This guide provided expert tips for each stage of the 75 inch TV transport process. By preparing your TV’s box with padding and wrapping, securing the load to prevent shifting, driving defensively and gently, and offloading with an assigned helper team, you can feel confident your TV will arrive home safely.

Use this checklist to keep your TV protected on moving day. Then unwrap your new big screen and enjoy a vivid entertainment upgrade!

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